Useful tips for shopping at the Farmers Market
Cash works best, small bills especially. Bank debit cards are accepted by the market in exchange for tokens to be used at vendor booths. Purchase wooden market tokens at the hospitality table next to the free coffee. Some vendors accept checks or credit cards.
- Shop early for the best selection.
- The produce is seasonal so buy it when you see it. Ask the farmer how much longer it will be available.
- Ask questions about the produce/meat/products – know your food roots.
- Get to know the vendors – they’ll teach you how to use produce that is unfamiliar and offer recipe suggestions.
- Ask about pre-orders as many vendors allow you to pre-order things like eggs, meat, or artisan items.
- Bring a cooler with ice or a cold pack during the hot months.
- All meats are sold frozen.
- Bring your own grocery and produce bags, cart or basket.
- Enjoy!