Call for Volunteers: Farm to Table Dinner

The Coppell Farmers Market is seeking volunteers for the Fall Farm to Table Dinner. This fundraising dinner celebrates & honors everyone who participates in fostering community through the Coppell Farmers Market, including:  our market’s farmers and food producers, shoppers, and supporters.

Farm to Table DinnerVolunteers will work together to create an energetic, FUN and memorable evening. Volunteers will be provided with deli sandwiches and snacks. More than 70 individuals are needed.

Volunteer tasks: greeting guests, setting long tables with linens, dishes & flower arrangements, serving the specially prepared 7 course meal and locally made wine pairings, and the event dismantle

The Farm to Table Dinner will be on Saturday, October 14th at the Coppell Senior and Community Center, and volunteers are needed from about 4:00-10:30pm.

Want to join us and volunteer for this unique event?
Signup HERE

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