Let me introduce myself

by Neha Pant

I grew up in an agricultural university campus in India. Beautiful yellow mustard fields, watching students work in water filled rice fields, running across the street to the sugar cane field to snag a couple sugarcanes to just chew on – these are few of my very distinct and clear memories of childhood. But then there is one very favorite one!!

I recall very clearly grabbing a couple bags and holding my father’s hand and walking to the farmers’ market every Thursday and Sunday. That is my favorite of them all. There was something so fun about that errand, our walk to the market, talking about what were we going to find today, deciding if he was going to buy me a sweet treat, etc. It was our weekly routine. The market had lots of different vendors from fresh produce to spices to meat. The vibrant colors, the fresh smelling vegetables, the energy – there was a different kind of energy in that place. It was our weekly routine and it was a memorable part of my childhood. My dad was a soil science scientist so buying and eating local, fresh food was all I knew. I didn’t think much of it until 30 something years later when I started taking my little girl to my local farmers market.

It is when I started to rethink food for my family and me that I realized what impact those routine farmers market trips with my dad did for me. He was just making memories but in the process, my little brain was learning about good nutritious, local food. I surely didn’t do much with it when I was younger but it has all started coming back together. I truly enjoy my Coppell Farmers Market and love supporting local farmers because “you can’t buy happiness but you CAN buy local and that’s kinda the same thing.”

So come on out to Coppell Farmers Market with your family where you’ll find fresh produce, friendly farmers, good music and create some memories. You may spot me with my little girl buying some happy eggs or chatting with my favorite spice vendor. I am a Coppell resident and live here with my superhero and we have a super girl and together we all love super foods. We love to cook and enjoy the benefits of real fresh food. I will be writing about (whenever I can) produce and food that I buy from the market, recipes, lunches for my first grader and most importantly raising a nourished generation. I truly believe if we give our bodies simple nourishing food it is capable of doing wonders.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”  Hippocrates

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