Spring Happenings

Hooray! Hooray! The first day of spring is near! Even though our north Texas winter has provided many spring-like days, the first official kickoff is later this month, on Monday, March 20th. The Coppell Farmers Market is ready to celebrate the energetic feel and bold flavors of yet another growing season.

What’s to be excited about at the Coppell Farmers Market this spring?

Farmers! Many of our farmers and growers take a rest during the winter months. Though a little weary from the hustle bustle of planting early season crops, they always return with the warmest feels.  This year we’re proud to host more than 10 vegetable and fruit producers. Keep on the lookout for a couple of new faces this year, including: Farm Life and Aunt Sue’s Barn.

Strawberries. March brings early season, hoop house strawberries. One of the most special treats of spring.

Festivities. The Coppell Community Garden Plant sale takes place at the Farmers Market this Saturday, March 11th. They’ll  be selling a wide variety of vegetable seedlings. Weekly Garden Time for Kids returns April 1st, 10:30am every Farmers Market Saturday  at the CFM Learning Garden. Easter Bunny Photo Booth with the Coppell Humane Society will be set up on April 8th.


Bring the whole family every Farmers Market Saturday to celebrate local food with live music, enjoy the playground and ready-to-eat treats, and take part in a very special sense of community. The Coppell Farmers Market is open 8am-noon, and located at 768 W. Main St., in Old Town Coppell.


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