Volunteer: Market Day Descriptions

Hospitality Booth: set up and take down of hospitality table, replenish coffee/water  supplies as needed, make coffee, recruit signups for email newsletter list, answer visitor inquiries, handout bags and freebies, run beverages to vendors. Two hour shifts: 8am-10am, and 10am-noon.
Market Take-Down: assist manager and on-site crew with breakdown and storage of market tables, chairs, carts, etc.  One hour shifts: noon-1pm.
Garden Education: The CFM Learning Garden is a children’s education garden located at the farmers market. A garden meetup for kids, called Garden Time for Kids, takes place every  market day at 10:30am. The meetup lasts about 10 minutes and involves a garden walk-thru and veggie taste testing. The class is often expanded to include story time, or a planting or craft activity. Garden educators will lead garden time and accompanying activities as often as they’d like. They should be experienced educators with a passion for outdoor education, gardening, community, agriculture, or local food. Educators must be at least 16 years of age.

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