Introducing the CFM Education Garden!

The Coppell Farmers Market Committee is excited to announce the installation of an education garden! The new garden will serve as a tool to educate and excite children (and adults) about fruits and vegetables. Cultivating a garden at the location of the Coppell Farmers Market means that a child can make a connection between the produce in their basket, and the plants the produce comes from– something that’s truly magical!

Coppell Parks & Rec helped to install bones of the garden structure early this winter, and Committee Members, Julia & Pat Daly, and Market Manager, Amanda Austin, completed the installation just last week. The newly amended soil will soon settle inside the garden’s frame, which is made of concrete donated by the Coppell Historical Society. The market committee is very proud that the education garden is also an ode to times past, as the concrete was unearthed during a development project and is believed to have been the foundation of an old school house.

Garden-based programming is in the works, with plans to inspire our community to make healthy food choices and take care of the environment. The first program, geared towards children, is scheduled to take place sometime in the early spring and will include a planting demonstration and garden craft. Keep an eye out for an official newsletter announcement of the spring planting event. 

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