Livestock First Ranch is a family-owned cattle ranch bordering the South Leon River in Comanche County,Texas. The land is a blend of trees and grass, a bit wild and a tad tamed, friendly to wildlife and domestic stock, with native pastures of bermudagrass and cultivated plots of winter wheat. The family raises Black Angus and Black Angus-Akaushi cattle in small herds, ranging among five pastures and moving as a closed herd when forage decreases to encourage pasture regeneration and discourage weeds. Our Black Angus herd is grass-fed and finished. Angus-Akaushi cattle are grass-fed and grain-finished in pursuit of finished cuts graded prime. Cattle are fed hay grown on-site during late summer and early winter. The ranch also raises pastured chicken and pork. The chickens are never medicated and eat a Non-GMO, soy-free and corn-free grain crumble. Hogs are raised outside in small groups allowed to root, graze or scratch as they please. Beef, chicken and pork are processed at small Texas-owned USDA facilities.
Bacon Beef Beef Bones Beef Roasts Boneless Chicken Breast Brats Breakfast Sausage Chicken Chicken Heart and Liver Chicken Thighs Chili Meat Chorizo Drumsticks Eggs Feet Flank Steak German Sausage Ground Beef Ground Pork Ham Hamburger Patties Italian Sausage Liver Meat, Eggs & Honey New York Strip Steak Pet Treats Pets Pork Pork Lion Chops Pork Roasts Ribeye Steak Ribs Ribs Sirloin Steak Skirt Steak Smoked Sausage Links Soup Bones Soup Bones Soup Bones Spicy Sausage Links Stew Meat Stock T Bone Steak Whole Chicken Wings