Tatsoi and broccoli rabe were added to the mix of leafy greens. Lots of lettuce types are now available. Cruciferous vegetables include kale, arugula, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, Swiss chard, mustard greens, and collards. If some of the cruciferous seem a bit strong for your family to eat raw, cut them in strips and mix in with other salad greens. Most cruciferous can also be cooked. Also find sprouts, spinach, mizuna, and mixed salad greens plus homemade dressings and spices. Cilantro is available in this cool weather. It will be gone when the heat returns. Root vegetables include varieties of radishes, carrots, onions, spring onions, green garlic, turnips, sweet potatoes, and both gold and purple beets. Some are raised organically, others sustainably but not organic, some use conventional practices. Ask the farmer.
Ranchers bring pastured, grass raised and finished beef and lamb, pastured pork, free range chicken and eggs, goat and cow artisan cheeses, and Texas Gulf seafood. Artisan bakeries bring breads, rolls, cookies and pies. Other artisan producers bring a wide spectrum of honey, pasta, granola and other grains, chips, salsa, tamales, small batch prepared foods, mixes, spices and relishes, Texas olive oil, dressings, and more. Doggie biscuits, soaps and lotions from natural ingredients add to the artisan mix. Herb, vegetable, and spring color plants round out the offerings.