What’s Fresh – August 2

Although the dog days of summer are upon us, customers can keep cool eating the peaches and blueberries that will continue for weeks, since the farmers amended their report from last week. Weather makes such a difference!

Also find juicy pears, apples, perhaps grapes and figs, Israeli melons, Nubus melons, Eden’s gem heirloom variety, Sarah’s choice cantaloupe, and Stars and Stripes, Delta, and seedless watermelons.

A recent surprise addition to the produce mix are some early fall squash like butternut, acorn, delicata, and spaghetti, plus a few pie pumpkins. All varieties of summer squash continue in abundance.

In addition to the usual plentiful choices of summer vegetables, some interesting varieties to be found include heirloom tomatoes, even some that are purple, and “lunchbox” peppers among the many other types.

Biscuit Head is worth a look for fresh herbs. John Stewart has dried olive leaves for a green tea purported to lower blood pressure and blood sugar among other attributes. He has small bags of other fresh herbs too. Greens and Goodies offers Malabar spinach buds that can be stir fried with vegetables or eaten as is for an interesting crunch and boost of those purple sourced antioxidants.

Recent additions by vendor producers include Paul Wackym’s seasonal and popular Hatch Chocolate Chip Cookies. Texas Olive Ranch has added Boom Extra Virgin Olive Oil, a blend of ten varieties that chefs are enjoying. Village Baking Company has Meyer Lemon Bread.

Look for chocolate and macaroon Chef Joe Baker on the Food Network, August 4, on the King of Cones Ice Cream show. He will have watermelon macaroons again this week.

Pop Star Popsicles was added a few weeks ago as a regular vendor. John Doumas brings small batch crafted popsicles made from fresh fruits, many from the Coppell Farmers Market producers, like cantaloupe from Pure Land Organic and peaches from Larken Farms. Doumas purees the fruit and complements it with fresh squeezed lime or lemon, adding fair trade organic evaporated cane syrup, and organic dairy. He also offers a dairy free coconut lime.

In addition to spices and spiced nuts, Good Spice also has CJ Singleton’s fresh, pint-sized cold drinks like blueberry-sage limeade and strawberry-maple lemonade. He also carries larger sizes to take home. The flavors from both of these vendors are authentic and robust, nothing artificial added, so if a customer likes that fruit they will like that treat.

Buying too much to carry easily? Find the free Veggie Valet service on both the east and west sides of the market to keep your purchases while you pull your car up close for loading. A National Honor Society teen is there to help you out.

As usual, please note that we are a local, seasonal farmers market; meaning that our farmers bring only what is ripening in their fields each week and some produce is short lived due to a short growing season. Eating with the seasons takes education, awareness and patience! For a chart of what’s in season now, click here. Our farmers use various growing methods. Some produce is organic (not certified), some is sustainable, and some is grown conventionally. Just ask the farmers.

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