What’s Fresh October 14

SNAP Benefits Accepted at our market.

Fruits and Vegetables

Hydroponic Lettuce, Mustard Greens, Sorrel, Arugula, Purslane, Watercress, and Basil
Okra- Red and Green
Green Beans
Butternut Squash
Acorn Squash
Spaghetti Squash
Potatoes- Red, White
Onions- Red, White, Yellow
Sweet Peppers- Carmen & Bell
Egg Plant- Italian and Asian
Summer Squash
Cucumber- Slicer
Micro Greens (sunflower, radish, pea, broccoli) & Wheatgrass
Oyster Mushrooms
Assorted Herbs


Protein – ALASKAN SALMON RETURNS! Pasture Raised Beef, Lamb, Pork, Chicken, Bone Broth, and Eggs, Gulf Coast Seafood.

Dairy – pimiento cheese, butter, drinkable yogurt.

Artisan food – ginger beer, sliced and spreadable bacon + bacon-on-a-stick, sprouted nuts and nut butters, pasta + ravioli + sauces, jams, jellies and chutney, pickles, spice mixes, tamales, soup + dip + baking mixes, locally roasted coffee, salsa and chips, artisan bacon, breads, croissants, pies, cookies, macarons, empanadas, quiche, Texas olive oil and vinegar,  granola, and more.

Other – fall garden seedlings & potted succulents, soaps, doggie biscuits

Goods from This Week’s Rotating Vendors – homemade breakfast foods (sold frozen), pickles, spreads, and elixirs

GROWING PRACTICES: Our farmers products are Certified Organic, Certified Naturally Grown, Sustainably Grown, or Conventionally Grown. Ask your farmers to learn more, or visit the Meet Our Vendors page!

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