Thanksgiving turkeys may be ordered from Rehoboth Ranch with a deposit due now.
Fresh Fruit – summer fruit is dwindling, but some melons and cantaloupe may show up. Look for a few fall pears.
Fresh Veggies – acorn squash, beets, bok choy, butternut squash, carrots, cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, kale, mustard greens, oyster mushrooms, okra, onions, parsnips and greens, shelled and unshelled purple hull peas, pecans, peppers (slowing), potatoes, radishes, yellow +pattypan + 8 ball squash, spaghetti squash, sunflower sprouts, sweet potatoes, Swiss chard, tomatoes, turnips and turnip greens, green and golden zucchini and more.
Artisan food – pasta + ravioli + sauces, seasoning mixes, jams and jellies, pies, flavored nuts, jerky, marinara sauce, locally roasted coffee, lemonade, healthy snack bars, salsa and chips, cookies, granola, honey, croissants, breads, macarons, savory and dessert mixes, tamales, olive oil, vinegar, popsicles, gluten-free prepared dishes + bars + breads, and more.
Hydroponically grown – mizuna, lettuce mixes plus herbs like watercress, arugula and sorrel. Basil varieties include lemon, purple Thai, and Genovese.
Fresh Herbs – garlic and garlic chives, many varieties of basil, lemon balm, mint, thyme, rosemary, sage, savory and many more.
Meats – Thanksgiving turkeys may be ordered from Rehoboth Ranch with a deposit due now. Salmon delivery is delayed this fall and probably won’t be here for another month. Find pastured beef, lamb, pork, and chicken raised on a natural diet, eggs. Eggs run out fast, so consider placing an egg order in advance. Captain George brings Gulf seafood.
Dairy products – drinkable goat milk yogurt, goat milk chevre and feta cheese, cow’s milk artisan cheeses, pimento cheese, goat milk, and butter.
Plants – fig trees, bedding plants, herb and vegetable starts, sunflower or zinnia bouquets.
Other – doggie biscuits, bug spray, soaps, soy candles, sugar scrubs, lip balm.
Two nonprofits – Cub Scouts with their chrysanthemum sale and Coppell’s W.T. Cozby Library will be present and may have story time on the lawn. Lone Star String Band will provide Music at the Market this week.
Our farmers use various growing methods. To clarify, our website notes their growing methods on each farmer’s description page. Look for Certified Organic, Sustainably Grown, or Conventional growing methods noted at the end of their descriptions.
We are a local, seasonal farmers market, meaning that our farmers bring only what is
ripening in their fields this week and some produce has a short growing season.
Eating with the seasons takes education, awareness and patience!
For a chart of produce that is in season now, click here.