What’s Fresh, September 6

Fruits include varied small melons, cantaloupe, and watermelon. Tomatoes, large and small, have continued after the occasional rains.  All kinds of squashes, both summer and fall varieties, add many choices. Now is a great time to freeze or can summer squash. Peppers run the gamut of selection. Cucumbers, onions, eggplant, and red potatoes add to the vegetables. The first sweet potatoes are dug and ready.  Greens might include salad greens, kale, Swiss chard, mizuna, arugula, and both Malabar and water spinach. Herbs and seasonings are basil, mint, and rosemary, plus bottles of dried seasonings. Interesting fact:  a bunch of fresh mint will develop extensive roots if placed in a jar of water for a few weeks and can then be planted in a fall garden for future use.

Non-produce items include pastured beef, pork, and chicken raised on a natural diet. Free range eggs and Gulf seafood add to protein choices. Eggs are in more limited supply as laying hens’ production decreases with the heat. Consider placing an order in advance during the summer months.

Artisan cheeses, butter, fresh squeezed lemonade, crafted fruit popsicles, honey, a large variety of small batch prepared foods, breads, pasta, snacks, pies, cookies, scones, baking and soup mixes, whole grains, coffee, tamales, doggie biscuits, olive oil, vinegar,  chocolate truffles, macarons, soaps and lotions round out the offerings.  This week expect fig preserves and ready to use salad jars.

For the most current market news and events, join the Coppell Farmers Market on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to a weekly email update, below.

Please note that we are a local, seasonal farmers market, meaning that our farmers bring only what is ripening in their fields each week. Eating with the seasons takes education, awareness and patience! For a chart of what’s in season now, click here.

Our farmers use various growing methods. Some produce is organic (not certified), some is sustainable, and some is grown conventionally. Just ask the farmers.

Lone Star Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) and bank ATM cards can be used to purchase wooden market tokens (market cash) at the CFM info booth in the center of the pavilion. The Coppell Farmers Market is open every Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon at 768 W. Main Street in Old Town Coppell.

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