A behind the scenes peek at The Coppell Farmers Market reveals a committed group of local citizens volunteering from a wide variety of backgrounds and skills performing a broad spectrum of tasks to keep the Coppell FM running smoothly.
Present and past members include a dentist, librarians, teachers, an attorney, a chiropractor, real estate manager, community activist, an accountant, health professionals, telecommunications employees, a marketing specialist, environmentalist, gardeners, neighbors, friends, and the folks just a street or two down. In summary, a Coppell FM volunteer is anyone with a passion for the Market who raises their hand to do what needs to be done from their area of expertise or willingness to learn. Contact a present committee member (the sellers know who we are floating through the Market) or via email [email protected].
What time commitment is involved? A monthly Wednesday night open meeting keeps things on track. Beyond that, some volunteer for a specific task or project, others for whatever needs to be done. Some volunteer for specific months, others year round. Some serve on several committees, others on one. The expertise needed is varied. The time commitment ebbs and flows with the seasons and events. A place can be found for anyone with an interest in joining and any amount of time to give.
Volunteer tasks are as varied as writing articles for publication across the metroplex, evaluating vendor applications, maintaining a blog, filling the coffee pot, representing the Market at events or meetings, updating the website, taking photos, counting market attendees, or visiting the sellers’ kitchens, ranches, and farms. Members find chefs for the Market to Kitchen series, welcome them and assist at the demonstrations as well as set up and take down the Farm to Table dinner and Kids Day at the Market. There are jobs for computer folks, those who need to volunteer from home at night, and those who can be out and about on a weekday. Primarily, a member of the committee is community spirited with a passion for locally sourced foods and helping keep the Coppell Market vibrant. Think about it. Ask questions. Come visit a meeting.