What’s Fresh, January 9

We’re going strong this winter! 

Vegetables –
Roots (beets, carrots, turnips, radish)
Greens  (asian choys, cabbage, Swiss chard, collards, kale, mustard greens, lettuces)
Broccoli & cauliflower
Storgage crops (winter squash, onions, sweet potatoes)
Hothouse tomatoes, green peppers and more

All Season Produce –
Microgreens (kale, herbs, radish, mustard)
Oyster mushrooms

Meats – Salmon is here!  Find pastured beef, lamb, pork, turkey (breast), and chicken raised on a natural diet, eggs. Eggs run out fast, so pre-orders are best.

Dairy products – cow’s milk artisan cheeses, goat milk cheeses, drinkable goat milk yogurt, goat milk caramel sauce.

Artisan food – soup, dip, drink and baking mixes, tamales, spice blends, gluten-free prepared dishes + bars + breads, locally roasted coffee, jerky, Italian red sauce, salsa and chips, cookies, award-winning pies, breads, croissants, macarons, Texas olive oil, vinegar,  flavored nuts, pasta + ravioli + sauces, granola, honey, jams and jellies,  and more.

Fresh Herbs –  basils, chamomile, garlic chives, dill, lemon balm, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme.

Other – doggie biscuits, soaps, soy candles, sugar scrubs, room sprays, lip balm.

Our farmers use various growing methods. To clarify, our website notes their growing methods on each farmer’s description page. Look for Certified Organic, Sustainably Grown, or Conventional growing methods noted at the end of their descriptions.

We are a local, seasonal farmers market, meaning that our farmers bring only what is ripening in  their fields this week and some produce has a short growing season.
Eating with the seasons takes education, awareness and patience!
For a chart of produce that is in season now, click here.

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