Written By Aimee Blinder, CFM Committee Member
We often think of winter as a time to stay in, cozy up, and wait for warmer weather. But as with all seasons winter has its special place in community connection and nature’s cycle of growth & seasonal offerings. In Denmark the Danish art of creating joy and coziness in life’s everyday moments, whatever the season or time of day is known as Hygge (pronounced hoo-ga). This idea resonates deeply with the community offering at the Coppell Farmers Market. A place to gather with friends and neighbors from our surrounding communities for delicious and nutritious foods & products that have been grown and curated by local farmers and artisans. The exchange of goodwill and kindness generated at the Market is the feeling of Hygge. So, come join us and leave with wonderful foods, unique products and a heart full of community connection.
During winter season the Market will be open twice a month January through March, with weekly Saturday markets returning in April. If it’s your first visit, please drop by the hospitality table and request a loyalty card or free tote bag. To plan your grocery list check out the weekly “What’s Fresh” listing. And remember, credit cards are accepted by most vendors, or visit the hospitality table to purchase Market tokens that can be used with all vendors and never expire. We look forward to welcoming you to the Market in 2020 and spending part of your Saturdays with you.
Market Winter Schedule – The Following Saturdays 8 am to Noon: Jan 11 & 25/Feb 8 & 22/March 14 & 28.
Our market provides groceries year-round and vendors are vetted to ensure they make and grow what they sell. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits are accepted at the Coppell Farmers Market.
The Market is located at 768 W. Main St. in Old Town Coppell.